War, Literature &
the Arts

In 1989 WLA was launched as a simple collection of six essays examining the nexus of culture, conflict, and war. More than three decades later, WLA continues its exploration through a growing range of creative genres. Artists of all types share wars' jagged and fragmented horrors alongside its provocative and captivating narratives.
Our volumes have included works by Paul West, Andre Dubus, John Balaban, W.D. Ehrhart, Robert Gajdusek, Roxana Robinson, Dunya Mikhail, Sara Nović, Donald Anderson, Benjamin Busch, Brian Turner, Dale Ritterbusch, Claudia Hauer, Thomas Vargish, Elizabeth Samet, and many others over the last 34 years.
We are honored to share these voices with you, and we invite you to join the conversation by submitting your work for publication consideration. Please look through our many volumes to get a feel for the growing range of genres and perspectives that make up the WLA community.