Table of Contents
Volume 30, 2018
Donald Anderson / The Arrogance of Firepower
Jonathan McGregor / "Between history and a hard place": D. F. Brown's Ghost of a Person Passing in Front of the Flag and Benjamin Hertwig's Slow War
Ross Gresham / Robert Olen Butler's Perfume River
H. Spencer Beaumont / Art as Revolutionary Propaganda in David’s The Death of Maret
Oscar Mardell / Greener Pastures
Jeff Sychterz / Poetry, the Iraq War, and the Ethics of Trauma
Jason A. Higgins / Through “Star-Spangled Eyes”: Fortunate Son and the Problem of Resolution
Guilherme Meyer / Enabling Impossibility
Paul Petrovic / Beyond Appropriation: Arab, Coptic American, and Persian Subjectivities in Brian Turner’ s Here Bullet, Phil Klay’s Redeployment, and Elliot Ackerman’s Green on Blue
Shane A. Emplaincourt / La Chambre des officiers and Recapturing the Evanescent Memory of the
Great War’s Gravely Disfigured
James Austin Everbeck / Gold Stars on Bleeding Scars: The Cult of the Veteran vs the Cost of War
in Fallon’s You Know When the Men Are Gone
Charles Hunter Joplin / The Poet’s Corpus: Meter, Memory, and Monumentality in Wilfred Owen’s “The Show”
Brandon Lingle / Messages without Writing: A conversation with Atiqullah Shahid
Benjamin Woodside Schrier / Bohemian Roulette
Brian O’Hare / Nothing Earth Shattering
Ramiro Hinojosa / Field Manual
Holly Auten / Collision
Joseph Bathanti / The Crescent
Katherine Schifani / The Breath of Allah
Russell Halvorsen / Cold, Cold Water
Veronica Schuder / Two Poems
Paul Z. Panish / Pines—Fort Lee, Virginia
Amy Lynn Reifsnyder / Me and the Marine
James F. Connolly / The Tet Offensive
Nels Hanson / Two Poems
Rawdon Tomlinson / “Post traumatic growth”: With My Brother on the North fork of the Red River
Wanda Frazier / In the Zone
Olivia Garard / Good Kill
Hugh Martin / Two poems
Norvin Dickerson / Two Poems
Marissa Glover / Three Poems
Jeremy Grant / Leave-Taking
Marsha Mathews/ Strategic Survival
Tobi Alfier / Everybody Rides Lady Geraldine
Joon K. Shim / i walk to stay alive
Newt Ronan / Two Poems
Ed Meek / Powder Blue
Robert Pawlak / Hypnos and Thanatos
Michael Casey / JJ Visits the Hooch
Jeffrey Alfier / Tripoli
s.g.t. grasmuck / Three Poems Robert Hedin / Lakehurst, 1937 Peter Venable / Enough
Jordan Nate / Shells from Oversea Dale Ritterbusch / Where We Are
Svetlan Beggs / She-Child, Stalingrad, 1942 Alex Vartan Gubbins / A Rainy Veteran’s Day
Matthew Sarda / Waiting and the Intermediary: A Conversation with Elliot Ackerman
Nicole Jerr / A Conversation with Suzan-Lori Parks
Lana Spendl / No Firm Ground
Tad Tuleja / Brotherhood of the Sea: A Sailor’s Code
Alisha Erin Hillam / Golden Acorn
Kenneth R. Timmerman / Hungry Guns, Exploding Cats Clayton Bradshaw / Five-Sentence Biography
Pat Gault / Edible Plants of Alaska
Élie Paul Cohen (translated by Jessica Levine) / Army Doc: Mission Afghanistan Patrick Mondaca / Allawi
Jeffrey Loeb / Resurrection
Dianna Marie Cannizzo / The Land of the VA
Krystal Mcguiness / Laren McC lung’s Inheriting the War
David M. Jorgenson / Cavorting with War
FILM REVIEWS by Jonathan Lighter
Land of Mine
The Zookeeper's Wife
Dunkirk (2017) and Dunkirk (1958)
Journey's End
BOOK REVIEWS by Samantha L. Solomon / David A. Rennie / Matthew Stewart
The Vest Pocket Kodak & the First World War by Jon Cooksey
Points of Honor: Short Stories of the Great War by a US Combat Marine by Thomas Boyd
Men at War: What Fiction Tells Us About Conflict, from Iliad to Catch-22 by Christopher Coker